Germany to Implement Temporary Border Controls to Curb Irregular Migration

Germany to Implement Temporary Border Controls to Curb Irregular Migration

Germany is set to implement temporary border controls at all of its land borders to address irregular migration and counter Islamist extremism, according to a government source cited by Reuters. The plan, led by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, will be officially announced during a press conference at 1430 GMT as part of a broader security package.

The European Commission will be notified of the move. Faeser's Social Democratic Party (SPD) is currently campaigning for a state election in Brandenburg, where it governs alongside the Greens and Christian Democrats.

Germany shares over 3,700 kilometers (2,300 miles) of borders with Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Poland.

In response to Germany's plans, Austria's Foreign Minister Gerhard Karner told Bild newspaper that Austria would not accept migrants turned back at the German border, citing legal constraints. Last year, Germany increased border controls with Poland, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland following a surge in asylum requests.

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