Pope Francis to Timorese Youth: Embrace Freedom by Respecting Others

Pope Francis to Timorese Youth: Embrace Freedom by Respecting Others

Pope Francis wrapped up his three-day visit to Timor-Leste with a special meeting with the nation's youth in the capital city of Dili. During this final public event of his Apostolic Journey, held at the Congress Centre, he shared some memorable advice: “Make a mess and respect your elders!”

Pope addressed the large group of young people, emphasizing their crucial role in shaping the future of their nation. He was deeply moved by the enthusiastic faith of the Timorese youth, who make up a significant portion of the country's 1.4 million population, over 95% of whom are Catholic. He expressed his gratitude for the warm smiles he encountered throughout his visit and highlighted the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by previous generations in building their nation.

Pope Francis underscored the value of both youth and the elderly in society. “A society with many children like you must care for them, and one with many elderly, who hold the collective memory, must respect and care for them,” he said.

He elaborated on three key values: “freedom, commitment, and fraternity.” Referencing a Tetum saying, “ukun rasik-an” which translates to “everyone is able to govern themselves,” he explained that true freedom involves respecting others and nurturing our shared environment, rather than merely acting on personal desires.

He also spoke about the importance of fraternity and reconciliation, noting Timor-Leste's rich history of heroism and faith. Pope concluded by urging the young people to follow Jesus' example of forgiveness and reconciliation, reinforcing that freedom is deeply connected to the respect we show others.

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