Quito/Ecuador: In a moment of palpable joy and excitement, the Australian delegation at the International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) celebrated Sydney's selection as the host for the 54th IEC in 2028. The announcement was met with enthusiastic cheers and Australian flags waving from the nearly 40 pilgrims present, marking a significant moment for the city's Catholic community. This historic decision was reported by ABC News. Photo Courtesy: Channel Nine.
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, a key figure in Sydney's bid, expressed the city’s eagerness to embrace this global event. “Get ready to host the world again, as we did in 2008, as we did in 1928, to share our faith with the world and to let the world share their faith with us,” he said. The 2028 Congress will be Sydney’s first hosting since 1928, when over half a million Sydneysiders participated in what was then Australia's largest religious event.
The upcoming IEC is anticipated to attract tens of thousands of pilgrims from around the globe to Sydney, reviving the city's reputation as a vibrant host for international religious gatherings. “We’ve been negotiating with the Vatican for several years, and now the real work begins—preparing for the event, celebrating it, and ultimately reaping its fruits,” Archbishop Fisher noted.
The announcement was especially poignant for the Australian delegates, who had been anxiously awaiting the decision. Devon Boyle from Sydney Catholic Schools shared, “I must be honest; I couldn’t eat too much. I had a jittery stomach. Very nerve-wracking, but very excited.” Similarly, Fr. Ben Saliba from St Mary’s Cathedral expressed his enthusiasm despite being sleep-deprived from a recent sporting disappointment.
Hazel Lim from the Life Marriage Family Team in the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation sees the announcement as a hopeful sign of renewal for the Catholic Church in Sydney. “This is just something that I’m so excited about for Sydney. It will really change the Catholic Church in Sydney,” she said. Kim Towells, a primary school teacher, echoed this sentiment, anticipating a revitalization of faith in the city.

Bishop Richard Umbers, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney, drew parallels between the upcoming IEC and World Youth Day 2008, which brought nearly 500,000 young people to Sydney. “It’ll be awesome to relive what we experienced at World Youth Day 2008. This is much broader—it’s not just youth, it’s not just families. It’s everybody,” he said.
As the city prepares for this significant event, Archbishop Fisher hopes it will inspire a deeper connection with the Eucharist across Australia. “It’s a hundred years since the last International Eucharistic Congress in Sydney. It’s 20 years since World Youth Day. It will be a chance for a new generation to experience the renewal that happened before,” he added.
The announcement marks the beginning of what promises to be an exciting period for Sydney, as it prepares to welcome the world and celebrate its rich Catholic heritage.