Pope Francis at Angelus: True Greatness Lies in Caring for the Weakest

Pope Francis at Angelus: True Greatness Lies in Caring for the Weakest

Vatican City – In his Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis delivered a powerful message on the true meaning of greatness, urging the faithful to recognize that real power lies not in dominating others but in caring for the weakest among us.

Addressing the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square, the Holy Father reflected on the Gospel reading, which recounts Jesus announcing His impending suffering, death, and resurrection to His disciples. Despite the profound message, the disciples were more preoccupied with discussing who among them was the "greatest."

Greatness Found in Service
Pope Francis highlighted how the silence of the disciples when Jesus asked about their conversation revealed their shame. They were ashamed because their discussion on greatness reflected pride and a failure to grasp the true meaning of Jesus’ teachings on humility and service.

“And yet Jesus responds openly to the conversations whispered along the way: ‘If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all,’” Pope Francis said. He continued, “Do you want to be great? Make yourself small, put yourself at the service of all.”

The Holy Father explained that Jesus’ response is a call to embrace humility, shifting away from the desire for power and prestige. True greatness, according to Jesus, is found in serving others, especially the weakest and most vulnerable.

True Power Lies in Caring for the Weak
Pope Francis emphasized how Jesus transforms our understanding of power and greatness by teaching that true power comes not from domination but from caring for the weakest. To illustrate this, Jesus brought a child into the midst of His disciples and said, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.”

Reflecting on this, Pope Francis noted, “The child has no power, but depends on others, just as people have needs and require help to live.”

Remembering the Lord’s Words
Pope Francis reminded the faithful that every person is alive today because of the care and love they have received from others. However, he warned that the human thirst for power often makes people forget this fundamental truth.

“Seeking to dominate and not to serve inevitably causes suffering, and the first to feel it are ‘the little ones, the weak, the poor,’” Pope Francis said, lamenting the many lives lost due to power struggles. “How many people suffer and die for power struggles! Theirs are lives that the world denies, as it denied Jesus… However, the Gospel remains living and filled with hope: He who has denied is risen, He is the Lord!”

A Call to Care for Others
The Holy Father encouraged the faithful to reflect on how they care for the weakest in society. He urged everyone to ask themselves if they can see Jesus in those around them, particularly in the least and most vulnerable.

“Do we take care of our neighbors, and do we thank those who have helped us?” he asked.

Pope Francis concluded by inviting everyone to pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking for the grace to be free of pride and "ready in service."

“Let us pray together to Mary, to be, like her, free of vainglory, and ready in service.”

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