Saint Silverius, the Fifty-Eighth Pope (Successors of Peter – Part 58)

Saint Silverius, the Fifty-Eighth Pope (Successors of Peter – Part 58)

Saint Silverius, the fifty-eighth Pontiff was a steadfast defender of the faith in the face of political intrigue and sacrifice.

In the tumultuous years of the 6th century, the Catholic Church faced unprecedented pressure, political intrigue, and sacrifice. The papacy of Saint Silverius, a Pope who endured trials and tribulations, serves as an inspiration to all Catholics.

On June 1st AD563, Saint Silverius, a sub-deacon, was elected as the Fifty-Eighth Pontiff and Successor to Saint Agapetus I.

At the time of his election the Church faced unprecedented pressure and influence from the Ostrogothic King Theodahad, to elect Peter’s Successor. The Gothic Empire then faced strong contention from Eastern Roman Empire (Constantinople) and its Emperor Justinian.
It is believed that this was what influenced King Theodahad to pressurise the Clergy into electing an Ostrogothic Pope.

Pope Silverius's reign thus began with a clash against the formidable Empress Theodora, who pressured him to endorse heretical monophysites, Anthimus of Constantinople and Severus of Antioch. They had been excommunicated and deposed by the former pope, owing to their denial of human nature of Christ. Silverius, standing firm, refused her request, very well knowing the consequences.
To protect Rome from further devastation by the Ostrogoths, Silverius extended an invitation to the Byzantine commander, Belisarius, to enter the city. Unfortunately, Belisarius' wife, Antonina, was just as cunning as Theodora.

Driven by the desire to gain the Empress's favor, Antonina influenced Belisarius to remove Silverius from his position, accusing him of conspiring with the Goths.

Silverius was then abducted by supporters of the Archdeacon Vigilius, transported to Patara, and exiled to the desolate island of Palmarola in Pontine.

On this isolated island the once-pope, Silverius, met his tragic demise, surrendering to starvation within a few months. Suspicions of foul play also lingered in the demise of this holy individual.

The life and passing of St. Silverius serve as a testament to the unwavering commitment to faith, echoing the words of Christ to St. Peter - "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18).

Today, the physical remains of Saint Silverius rest in the island of Palmarola, a touching reminder of a Pope who stood resolute in the face of adversity, protecting the faith and the Church against all odds.

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