Maintaining unity amid theological conflicts is never easy, yet Pope Pelagius II tirelessly worked to uphold it while defending Rome from the Lombards.
Pope Pelagius II was elected to lead the Church following the death of Pope Benedict I at a time when the Lombards had laid a strong siege upon Rome. He was the second pope of Germanic descent.
Due to the unstable political situation, he was consecrated as the Bishop of Rome in August AD 579 without waiting for the formal approval of the Emperor. However, Vatican records state that his papacy officially began on November 26, AD 579.
Immediately after assuming office, Pope Pelagius II sent his deacon, Gregory, who later on became Pope Gregory the Great, as his representative to Constantinople. Gregory was tasked with explaining the circumstances under which Pelagius had taken office without imperial approval and to request military aid to protect Rome from the Lombard attacks. However, due to a lack of available military strength, the emperor was unable to send troops.
Pelagius also sought assistance from the Franks, but this effort also failed. Nevertheless, thanks to the efforts of the Exarch, the emperor’s representative in the Western Empire, a temporary truce was established in AD 559, lasting for nearly four years. During this period, Pelagius sought to reconcile differences between Rome and the church communities of northern Italy, striving for unity and peace within the Church. However, his efforts largely failed, though the Diocese of Aquileia was eventually reconciled with Rome.
During Pope Pelagius II’s tenure, the Visigoths in Spain converted to Christianity. At the same time, a new controversy arose within the Church concerning the title "Ecumenical Patriarch." In AD 588, at a synod, John IV, the Patriarch of Constantinople, added the title "Ecumenical Patriarch" to his name, a move which was not approved by the Holy See.
Pope Pelagius II was also responsible for constructing and renovating many churches. He oversaw the reconstruction of the famous Basilica of St. Lawrence Outside the Walls. The Pontiff promoted celibacy among the clergy. He spent his personal money to adorn the Basilica of Saint Peter. He turned his private home into a hospital.
At the end of the year AD589, a great plague struck. Pope Pelagius II was one of the first victims of the plague that followed the floods of the River Tiber. He passed away on February 7, AD 590, due to the outbreak.