St. Alfred the Great

St. Alfred the Great was a well-known Christian king who ruled Wessex. The fifth son of the English King of Wessex, Alfred was born in 849. According to legend, he was taken to Rome in 853, when he...

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Saint Ursula and the Virgins of Cologne

In the fourth century the pagan Saxons began to invade England, intent on destroying the Catholic Faith and violating the purity of all young English virgins. It was in the midst of this that a gro...

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St. Irene
Saint Laura of Cordoba
St. Luke
St. Teresa of Avila
Saint Callistus I
St. Edward the Confessor

Saint Wilfrid of York

St. Wilfrid the son of a Northumbrian thegn in 634 in Northumbria, England. His mother died when he was a boy, and he never got along with his step-mother. At age 14, partly to escape the miserable...

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