St. Lucy

The feast day of St. Lucy, a Sicilian virgin and martyr, is observed on December 13. Tradition holds that Saint Lucy was born in the year 283 to wealthy and aristocratic parents. She was dependent ...

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St. Francis Xavier

“In Thee, O Lord, have I put my hope. Let me never be confounded”- St Francis Xavier On April 7, 1506, in the Kingdom of Navarre, a Navarrese-Basque Roman Catholic mission...

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St. Edmund Campion
St. Saturninus
St. James Intercisus
St. Cecilia
St. Bernward
St. Martin de Porres
All Saints Day

St. Alonso Rodriguez

Alonso Rodriguez was born in Segovia, Spain. He was the second child of a prosperous wool and textile merchant, whose opulent home welcomed Father Peter Fabe when the Jesuit arrived to give a sermo...

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