Saint Philip Neri

Philip Neri was a sign of contradiction, combining popularity with piety against the background of a corrupt Rome and a disinterested clergy: the whole post-Renaissance malaise. At an ea...

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Feast of the Ascension of the Lord

The Ascension is the event, where Jesus arose into heaven, at the end of his time on earth. Jesus' time on earth began with his birth. It was interrupted for three days by His death on t...

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Saint Ignatius of Laconi
Saint George Preca
Saint Rose Venerini
Saint Pelagia
Saint Zitta of Luca

Saint Peter Gonzalez

Peter was born into a noble family in Castile, Spain, in 1190, and he became a priest as a step to high office. One Christmas Day, during a grand entrance into the city before all the townspeople, ...

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