Saint Cloud

Born in 522, Clodoald was the grandson of the Frankish King Clovis I, whose conversion to orthodox Christianity – rather than the Arian heresy – made him the first Catholic ruler of present-day Fra...

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Saint Raymond Nonnatus

Saint Raymond was born to a noble Spanish family in 1204. His mother died during child birth and his father had high expectations for Raymond to serve in the country’s Royal Court. However, the yo...

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Saint Rose of Lima
Saint John Vianney
Saint Lydia Purpuraria
Saint Maxima
Saint Martha
Saint Alphonsa

Saint Dionysius

St. Maximian, Malchus, Martinian, Dionysius, John Serapion, and Constantine "The Seven Sleepers" (Martyrs) July 27 A.D. 250. Having ...

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