Saint Panteleon

St Pantaleon came from Nicomedia, near the Black Sea, in Asia. He was such a famous doctor that the Emperor himself chose him for his own doctor. Pantaleon was a Christian, but the bad influence fr...

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Saint Henry II

On July 13, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of St. Henry II, a German king who led and defended Europe's Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the first millennium. St. Henry w...

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Saint John Gualbert
Saint Benedict
Saint Pope Benedict XI
Saint Otto of Bamberg
Saints Peter and Paul
Saint William of Vercelli

Saint Joseph Cafasso

Joseph Cafasso was born in the Piedmont town of Castelnuovo d'Asti in 1811. His parents came from a poor family. When he was only a young child, he already displayed the sanctity and apostolic zeal...

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