Saint Elizabeth

Saint Elizabeth was a relative of Mary the Mother of God; no one knows the exact biological relationship between them, but tradition often says that they were cousins. When God chose ...

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Saint Jude Thaddeus

St. Jude, known as Thaddeus, was a brother of St. James the Lesser, and a relative of Jesus. Ancient writers tell us that he preached the Gospel in Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Syria, Mesopotamia, and ...

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Saint Anthony Mary Claret
Saint John Paul ll
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
Saint Callistus I
Saint Wilfrid of York
Saint Francis Borgia

Saint Reparata

Saint Reparata was a virgin martyr of Caesarea. She was supposedly a twenty year old girl in Caesarea who was denounced as a Christian during the persecutions launched by Emperor Trajanus Decius. Read More