Saint Justin the Martyr

Justin was born around the year 100 in the Palestinian province of Samaria, the son of Greek-speaking parents whose ancestors were sent as colonists to that area of the Roman Empire. Justin's fathe...

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Saint Joan Antida Thouret

Joan Antida Thouret was born in the little village of Sancey, in the diocese of Besançon, in Franche-Comté, on 27 November 1765, into a deeply Christian family. At a very early age “she felt a s...

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Saint Godric of Finchale
Saint Bernardine of Siena
Saint Felix Spoleto
Saint Matthias
Saint John the Silent
Saint Ignatius of Laconi
Saint Pachomius

Saint Agostino Roscelli

Agostino Roscelli, born in 1818, was not one of those saints whose life’s work is defined in a sudden moment of spiritual illumination. Rather, he discovered his miss...

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