Saint Notburga

Saint Notburga

 Notburga was born circa 1265 at Rattenberg on the Inn, in the present-day state of Bavaria, Germany. She served as a cook in the family of Count Henry of Rothenburg and used the little authority she had in this position to assist the poor in the community. Her mistress Ottilia ordered Notburga to feed the leftover food from their dinner table to the swine, but Notburga gave it instead to the hungry. Notburga also saved some of her own food and brought it to the poor, especially on Fridays, in observance of the Friday fast.

One such Friday, Notburga encountered her master on her mission to the poor and Henry commanded her to show him the food that she was carrying. Notburga obeyed, but in place of food, Henry saw only wood shavings and sawdust; and, when sipping the wine, he tasted only vinegar. As a result, the family dismissed her. But Otilla soon fell dangerously ill. Despite being dismissed from the family service, Notburga remained with her former mistress without pay to nurse her through her sickness.

Afterward, Notburga entered the service of a peasant in the town of Eben, with the single condition that she be permitted to go to Mass on holy days. Instead of going during the day and cutting into her hours of work, Notburga would go the evening before for the vigil. One evening, her master urged her to continue working in the field instead of going to the church. This later led to Notburga leaving this employer.

After Notburga left his employ, Count Henry of Rothenburg’s fortunes took a steep turn for the worse. His household suffered endless hardships and bad luck, which Henry began to ascribe to his dismissal of Notburga. In order to regain his good fortune, Henry sought out Notburga and implored her to return to work for him. Graciously, Notburga agreed; and, upon her return, Henry’s estate prospered like never before.

As Notburga approached death, she instructed her master to place her corpse on a wagon drawn by two oxen and to bury her wherever the oxen would stand still. Upon her death, in September 1313, Henry did as she commanded. His oxen drew the wagon to the chapel of St. Rupert near Eben, where she was laid to rest. Her feast is usually celebrated on the 14th of September. 

Other Saints of the Day

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St. Cormac

St. Crescentian

St. Gabriel Taurin Dufresse

St. Maternus of Cologne

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