Saints. Andrew Kim Taegon & Paul Chong Ha

Pope John Paul II said this of the Catholic Church in Korea: "The Korean Church is unique because it was founded entirely by laypeople. This fledgling Church, so young and yet so strong in faith, w...

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Saint Cloud

Saint Cloud was born in 522 A.D. He was the grandson of Clovis, founder of the Kingdom of the Franks, and his wife Saint Clothilde. Following the death of his parents, Cloud and his two brothers we...

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Saint Magnus of Fussun
Saint Raymond Nonnatus
Saint Louis IX of France
Saint Rose of Lima
Saint Helena

Saint Joan of the Cross

An encounter with a shabby old woman many dismissed as insane prompted Saint Joan to dedicate her life to the poor. For Joan, who had a reputation as a businesswoman intent on monetary success, thi...

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