Healing Prayer Rebuking Corona Virus

Healing Prayer Rebuking Corona Virus

Thank You Jesus ! Praise You Jesus. Lord , You said, we can speak to the mountain.
In the Name of Jesus, I curse that virus, I curse that fever, I curse that cough, I curse every affliction just as You cursed, O ! Lord and the fig tree dried. In the same way by faith, as I curse in the Name of Jesus this work of the devil is dead right now in Jesus' Name and I cast it out of this body in the Name of Jesus. Go and fall into the sea what God has created for you and you shall never come back again I do not doubt in my heart but I believe what I said, is surely coming to pass. It has come to pass and I shall have whatever I say . So this is my declaration of faith. In the Name of Jesus, this virus, this affliction, this sickness is dead from the root and my whole body and all my organs are functioning now perfectly They're recharged by the life of Jesus and I receive a long healthy anointed Spirit- filled life. Death, you have no power over me. I rebuke you, I curse you in Jesus' Name and I receive a complete recovery in Jesus'Name. Amen

Father, in the Name of Jesus. whosoever we are praying for, their lungs and tissues are able to maintain perfect ventilation and percussion ratio in Jesus'Name. Amen

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