Thought for the Day: Destiny

Thought for the Day: Destiny

A French actress was so fond of George Bernard Shaw and particularly his intelligent nature. So one day she approached him and told that she would like to get married to him.
Bernard Shaw inquired, "why".
She said, "The logic is simple, I have a tremendously beautiful body. Look at my face, my eyes, my form-- it is perfect. And you have a beautiful intellect, the greatest intelligence ever. Our child will be a super blend of your brain and my beauty."
George Bernard Shaw said, "I am afraid things can go wrong. Our child may have my beauty and your intellect.

Life is moving on its own accord and we have no control over it. Acceptance is the only weapon which can fight the battle with destiny and win. If we do not have the weapon of acceptance we are sure to fail in the battle. Each man comes into this world with a specific destiny--he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally--you are here deliberately and meaningfully. There is a purpose to fulfill. God intends to do something through you. However, when you cooperate with your life, when you fit so harmoniously that whatsoever you are doing is a joy--happiness and serenity arises in you. And your eyes will no more be blocked with the clouds of the past rather they will be sparkling with the rays of the future. Where one is not bothered with destiny or fate and lives in the present here and now, one experiences reality, thereby transcending life itself.

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