Culture of Life : A series exploring the facts about Abortion and the lives it takes

Culture of Life : A series exploring the facts about Abortion and the lives it takes

Life is precious. The stage of its development does not make it less or more valuable. The moment a sperm and ovum combine to form the first cell, the gender, colour, and structure of a new life, a baby is moulded.

In today’s era of throwaway culture, silent and innocent human lives are snatched away in the name of abortion. Murder is a sin, legally or otherwise, more so when this life cannot fight for survival or even utter a word. In every two seconds, lives of three unborn babies are sacrificed. We are answerable to this innocent blood that is shed without any regret.

CnewsLive Executive Editor Jaimon Joseph pens a series of articles on this ‘Culture of Life’, exposing the brutality and social evil that many casually refer to as ‘Abortion’.

Click here to view the first part of this series

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