Country exercises vigilance against Omicron; States warned by the Center

Country exercises vigilance against Omicron; States warned by the Center

New Delhi : India is employing stringent measures to compact covid cases after the confirmed presence of the new corona virus variant Omicron. The result of the genome testing of samples with suspected cases are expected from the Centre today.

The presence of the variant is currently doubted in an international passenger. The Centre has cautioned the states after the variant was identified in more people. States are advised not to take a slow step when it comes to testing and monitoring.

The Centre also conveyed measures to be taken by the states that reported the greatest number of cases. They include Kerala, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Odissa, Mizoram and Jammu Kashmir. Gujarat and Maharashtra also reported cases with the Omicron variant. This takes the total number of Omicron cases in India to 4.

WHO has reported that though 30 countries have reported the variant, none of them have culminated in a loss of life.

The Health Ministry urged to exercise caution and not fear. The recovery rates have been faster in those identified with the variant. The progress in vaccination is also an important factor in the defense against the variant. There have been no reports as yet of the ineffectiveness of the existing vaccines against the new variant.

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