“We should be able to scrutinize the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the Gospel” Mar Joy Alappat, Auxiliary Bishop of the Chicago Syro Malabar Diocese spoke at the webinar, “The Great Synod 2023’, organized by Global Media Cell.
The webinar was organised to educate the masses on the Synod and its proceedings. Mar Joy Alappat, during the event, launched the English edition of CnewsLive portal.
The Bishop said that he was reminded of the statement to scrutinize the signs of times from ‘Gaudium Et Spes’, one of the four pastoral constitutions resulting from the Vatican Council. It was the second Vatican Council that was able to create a great movement in the church. The Church hence in this era wishes that its laity should be enlightened.
Till the 20th century the face of the church was more or less centred on the clergy. The Holy Father however wishes that this be changed and the Church be more laity centred in the 21st century. “The 21st century is of the laity” reminded Mar Joy Alappat.
It is the laity who has the better possibility of confirming to the attitude of Christ in the secular world rather than the clergy. The laity has the responsibility to project the mentality of Christ in this world in collaboration with the Clergy.
Synodality is a call to renew oneself under the action of the Spirit and by listening to the Word of God. It is an ability to imagine a different future of the church. One that is possible through initiating dialogue, listening and community development where everyone can participate and contribute. We should be prompted by the Holy Spirit and should be able to come to a real conversion, through which we have the conviction to understand what the Church says and stand by it.
As Bishop Mar Joseph Pamplany, Chairman of the KCBC Media Commission said, it is in the Cyber world that evangelisation is urgently required. CNewsLive is at the forefront of such a mission and making its presence known all over the world.
Mar Joy Alappat concluded his address with the launch of the English edition of CNewsLive portal.

The webinar was also graced with the presence and messages from Mar James Anaparambil and Mar Joseph Pamplany.
Click here to view the video of the webinar