Thought for the Day; Lack of Communication

Thought for the Day; Lack of Communication

“I now am taking this kinswoman of mine, not because of lust, but with sincerity. Grant that she and I may find mercy and that we may grow old together” (Tobit 8:7).

A family therapist spoke of a couple who came to her because their 20 years of marriage had turned sour. After several sessions, she asked each of them to talk openly on what they resented about each other. In a burst of emotions, the husband blurted out, "I wish you wouldn't always serve me that damned spinach!"

Recovering from the shock, his wife replied, "I hate spinach, but I thought you like it!"

W- Wonderful Mother
O - Outstanding Friend
M - Marvellous daughter
A - Adorable sister
N - Nicest gift to men from God

The Best Cosmetics in Life:

TRUTH for the lips
PITY for the eyes
CHARITY for the hands
SMILE for the face
LOVE for the Heart!

Use them well and make ‘Life Beautiful’

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