Saint Jane Frances de Chantal : Saint of the Day, December 12

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal : Saint of the Day, December 12

"In Madame de Chantal I have found the perfect woman, whom Solomon had difficulty finding in Jerusalem." St. Francis de Sales, Saint Janes spiritual director.

Jane, daughter of the president of the Parliament of Burgundy, was born into nobility. Married at the age of 20, she loved and served her young family till her husband passed away. Forced to live in her father-in-law's house and bear his ill-nature towards her, all the while patiently bearing the hardships, she eventually took a vow of chastity.

Once the security of her children was made sure, she made her way to for Annecy. Discerning and following God’s call, she founded the Congregation of the Visitation which was canonically established at Annecy on 6 June, 1610, the Trinity Sunday.

She spent the remainder of her life cloistered in the Convent. There were 86 convents of the Visitation nuns at the time of her death 31 years later.
So strong and robust was her spirituality. She encouraged her daughters to constantly fight against passions and habits which keep one away from God. She herself endured a lot of trials in her life quite bravely. The last nine years of her life was particularly agonizing. Her reputation for holiness was known to everyone. She was much admired wherever she went to establish her foundations.

Her body is venerated with that of St. Francis de Sales in the church of the Visitation at Annecy. She was canonized in 1767 by Pope Clement XIII.

Other saints today
1. Saint Columba of Terryglass
2. Saint Abra, Poitiers
3. Saint Colman of Clonard
4. Alexander, Ammonaria, Dionysia, Epimachus and Mercuria - Martyrs of Alexandria

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