A cover up, a compromise, a life and dreams shattered (Culture of Life – Part 6)

A cover up, a compromise, a life and dreams shattered (Culture of Life – Part 6)

The story stated here is not confined only to pooja, but to many others like her who have had their lives and dreams shattered at a young age. It is about lives of young girls who had to end unwanted pregnancies because of campus romances and illicit relationships.

Pooja hails from a well-known family in Kerala. Her father is a wealthy businessman and a well-respected man in the society. Pooja, the fourth among her siblings, studied in a college not far from her house. Later, she joined a college in Bangalore for further studies and was staying in the college hostel.

Shortly after joining the new college, she met a young man, fell in love with him and started seeing each other regularly. The boring classroom sessions were soon replaced by romantic corners in the campus. Gradually, the rendezvous moved out of the campus, and they started spending time together in cafes and hotels. Money was in plenty for the young girl and with no one around to control her, she broke all boundaries of morality. The young lovers felt no remorse in their wrongdoings and kept on meeting each other and spending time in hotel rooms.

It was only when she felt the pulse of a new life in her womb, did the couple realize the gravity of their wrongdoings. The confused and scared couple soon decided to abort the baby. They approached a doctor in secret with the help of some of their friends. Drawn by the beauty of the young girl, the doctor forced her to spend a night with him, lest she stands the risk of being exposed.

Left with no other choice, she gave into the doctor’s wish. Abortion was performed, but the events had left her with severe psychological trauma. She soon withdrew from the company of her friends and started spending much of her time in solitude.

Initially, she refused to return home after her final exams and stayed back in the hostel room. Deprived of sleep and haunted by lingering memories, insanity seemed to take hold of her. Eventually, she decided to return home. At home she did not speak to anyone. The loneliness and silence of her daughter was not taken well by her mother. She questioned pooja about this several times, but she preferred to remain silent. Her father came home a week after from his business trip and was equally worried to notice the changes in pooja. She could not however evade his questions as she was very close to her father. She opened up and narrated the events to him. Heartbroken, yet taking control of the situation, he comforted her and forbade her from telling anyone else about the tragedy that she went through.

To save their daughter from disgrace and depression, they decided to get her married to her boyfriend himself. The man however disagreed to marry her. Her parents had to look for another groom; pooja agreed to marry a young and successful businessman under her parents’ compulsion.

The illicit pregnancy, abortion, and the compulsive day she spent with the doctor, wrecked her whenever the thought of having a child came to her mind. The constant thought that she was cheating her loving husband and the trembling memories of her college life plunged her into more and more darkness. Not being able to handle the psychological pressure, she ended her life in her new home.

Pooja represents many other young girls who have lost their dreams to campus romance and illicit relationships. The clinic she approached for the abortion was not authorised to perform abortions, so was the doctor. Many helpless students and young girls fall into the traps of such unscrupulous people, only to end their lives in tragedy.

We have been witnessing the tragedies that many girls faced due to abortions. However, humanity still reigns, there are many mothers who willingly take on any sacrifice to save the new life in their womb. At no cost, will they end those lives. They are the true heroines.

We will read about these heroines and heroes of humanity in the next article.

Click here to read the earlier article in this series

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