Archdiocese of Perth join hands with the government; Covid Vaccination Center set up at St. Mary's Cathedral

Archdiocese of Perth join hands with the government; Covid Vaccination Center set up at St. Mary's Cathedral

Perth: The Archdiocese of Perth has setup a Covid Vaccination Centre at St. Mary's Cathedral in the heart of Perth. The initiative is an effort to support the government in its fight against Covid19 in Western Australia.

The opening of a vaccination center at the Cathedral near the Royal Perth Hospital is expected to encourage parishioners and neighbours to be inoculated, officials said. The government has set up temporary vaccination centers extensively in shopping centers, libraries, churches and other public places. Public health expert Jaya Dantas, professor of global public health at Curtin University, said such vaccination centers would help people gain a closer and easier access to the vaccine. She added that clinics in places like the Cathedral can also help people overcome their fear of being inoculated.

The Cathedral clinic, which opened on Saturday, is quickening its efforts to get the vaccine doses. The Dean of the Cathedral, Reverend Dr Sean Fernandez has received the booster dose of the vaccine. On Sunday, those who came to attend the Holy Mass also received the vaccine.

Reverend Sean said that the church could play a crucial role in the distribution of the vaccine. The Cathedral has the advantage of being in heart of Perth. He said they wanted the benefits of the vaccine to reach Catholics and the community around them as soon as possible.

The Cathedral has always been at the forefront of health work in the state and its support to the community, regardless of caste or creed. This is a part of this ongoing effort, Reverend Sean added.

Timothy John Costelloe SDB, bishop of the Archdiocese of Perth said that the Catholic Church has always formally supported the Covid vaccination drives and that it is in the public interest to be inoculated.

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