COVID-19 booster shots to be administered to healthcare workers from January 10

COVID-19 booster shots to be administered to healthcare workers from January 10

New Delhi : As a precautionary measure, India will start administering COVID-19 booster shots from January 10 to healthcare and frontline workers, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday.

"From the point of view of precaution, the government has decided that healthcare and frontline workers should start getting a precaution dose," Modi said in a national address. Citizens were also urged to continue to wear facemasks and follow other COVID-19 protocols.

Those aged 15-18 would start receiving COVID-19 vaccinations from January 3rd. Those above 60 with comorbidities would be offered booster shots after recommendation from doctors.

India has reported a rise in Omicron cases, with the number reaching 415 overall across 17 Indian states.

The government has been accelerating its vaccination campaign, administering at least one dose to 88% of the eligible 944 million population, 61% have taken both doses. Medical experts have said India needs to speed up its vaccination campaign. Coverage should be expanded to avert another possible surge in new infections particularly where healthcare facilities are scarce.

The authorities will now start offering booster shots to healthcare and frontline workers. Tens of thousands lost their lives during the second-wave that hit the country in summer.

The total cases have fallen by almost half from a month ago. 7,189 new cases were reported in the last 24 hours. India’s Active Caseload presently at 77,032 is lowest in 579 days.

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