God triumphs in all circumstances, wait patiently for Divine intervention; Mar Joseph Pamplany

God triumphs in all circumstances, wait patiently for Divine intervention; Mar Joseph Pamplany

Christmas is the day that gives meaning to our lives, the day God raises us from the pit of hopelessness, the day the closed door to paradise opens again to mankind, said Mar Joseph Pamplany, Auxiliary Bishop of Tellicherry (Syro-Malabar) and Chairman of KCBC Media Commission, during the Christmas retreat organised by Global Media Cell. It is the day that we welcomed the Son of God, the Saviour. The true meaning of Christmas can be understood through the eyes of Mother Mary.

• Differentiate between the messenger of truth and messenger of deception
In today’s world there are two types of messengers, one being the angel, the messenger of truth and the other being the fallen angel, Lucifer. We should be able to differentiate between these two messengers. Though they are both angels, the message they deliver are contrary. The Virgin being filled with grace, was the first to be proclaimed the Good News by Archangel Gabriel. We should desire a humble and graceful heart like Mother Mary to understand this differentiation between the message of God and message of Evil.

• Wait patiently for Divine intervention
We are often faced with a spiritual dilemma of not being able to perceive the divine intervention as soon as we seek it. The promise of a saviour made to the first parents were not fulfilled immediately. It was accomplished in the fullness of time through the birth of Jesus. Even though several lifetimes went by, there was no dearth in Gods promise. In our daily life too, we should seek and understand that there is meaning in this long wait for Divine intervention, for the fullness of time.

• God triumphs in all adverse circumstances
Mary humbly surrendered before the will of God; but this surrender came with many difficulties. Joseph was unable to comprehend her at first, she had to walk on foot for a considerable distance to care for her cousin Elizabeth while carrying the savior in her womb. On her return she had to travel to Bethlehem to register their names. Joseph did not find a place in any inn when it was time for the saviour to be born. The place he found after wandering a lot was not a suitable place for the birth of a child. God however completes his salvific plan in all these adverse circumstances. We too face many adversities in our daily life. Many will criticise us; we will be thrown into loneliness; depression will overcome us and no matter how much we wander around we might not find a solution. In all these circumstances we should understand that all this is a part of Gods plan. We are only to surrender ourselves to God will like Mother Mary. Only in the darkness of life can we witness the glowing light of the star.

• Treasure everything in your heart like Mother Mary
Mary treasured all her troubles in her heart, though she did not understand everything. We often witness many priests; many believers being arbitrated unjustly; many persecuted for the truth in different ways. To be a part of Gods plan we should be able to treasure many things in our hearts; not enact revenge as in today’s world. We should be able to cultivate this Mary like attitude. We might not understand everything, we do not need to act in revenge rather treasure everything in our hearts.

• Salvation for all mankind, the true happiness
The message conveyed to Mother Mary and the Shepherds were the same. God promises his salvation to all mankind. The true meaning of Jesus’s birth is a redefinition of happiness. Happiness is given to everyone, it should not be confined or defined by our limits. Only then it becomes a God given happiness. Happiness of any religious sect or section of any society should not lead to the grief of another. It is not divine if it gives happiness to one and brings tears to the other. Hence the relevance of the message “salvation to all mankind”.

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