Australia to allow vaccinated travellers on Feb. 21

Australia to allow vaccinated travellers on Feb. 21

Canberra - All vaccinated tourists and business travellers will be allowed to enter from February 21, as Australia opens its borders in a further relaxation of pandemic restrictions announced on Monday.

Australia had relaxed the border restrictions in November in response to an increasing vaccination rate among the Australian population. International students and skilled migrants were then prioritized over tourists in being welcomed back to Australia. However, the arrivals of students and skilled workers were postponed by two weeks until Dec. 15.

The delayed border reopening was pursuant to two Australians, who returned from southern Africa on Nov. 27 became the first to test positive for the omicron variant.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said his senior ministers agreed on Monday that the border would reopen to all vaccinated visas holders from Feb. 21. Morrison said visitors must have proof of vaccination.

Visitors to Australia could also have to contend with various states’ COVID-19 rules if they move around the country.

The strictest state border rules are enforced by Western Australia which covers a third of the island continent.

The state allows only 265 international arrivals a week and requires a 14-day quarantine period.

Tourist operators have been lobbying the government to bring tourists back sooner. The southern hemisphere summer is in its final month.

The Australian Tourism Export Council, the peak industry body representing the nation’s tourism export sector, said tourism operations were looking forward to rebuilding their markets.

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