Jesus Taught about Peace

Jesus Taught about Peace

The message of "Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man," which Jesus Christ proclaimed 2000 years ago, should become a living faith for the achievement of real peace and the unity of mankind. You must practice this attitude in your daily lives. The oneness of all creation affirmed by the ancient seers and sages must be expressed in a transcendental love that embraces all people regardless of creed, community or language.
To enjoy peace of mind, it is essential to practice forbearance and equanimity. Men today are affected by praise or blame. But one who is filled with Divine love transcends praise or censure. He is unaffected by criticism or flattery. He treats joy and sorrow, profit and loss, victory and defeat alike. Sow love and it will blossom as compassion and tolerance and will yield the fruit of peace.
Jesus was great because he showed the value of spiritual discipline and the equanimity that can come through it. You cannot sit back, and expect Jesus to bring peace and joy into you. Jesus came to warn, to guide, to awaken, to lay down the path, and shed the light of love on it. But, you have to listen, learn and obey with hope and faith. Spiritual practice is the only means of acquiring mental peace.
--(From the Book, Be Like Jesus)

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