Consecrated life

Consecrated life

A life that lifted up to the azure high
Shine in splendor and stays as Flamingo
A life that offered to the service of the humanity
Spreads the infinite joy as a panacea to their illness

A life that consecrated for the Lord Most High
Savor the sweetness of the sanguine love
A life that engaged with the thoughts of heaven
Swing in sublime unity and serenades perfect harmony

People who are consecrated are set on fire
Their heart burn with the divine love
Their thoughts radiate the power of holiness
Their deeds proclaim the power of God

Nothing can scar their inner winsome
Threats and throes of life never discourage them.
No ephemeral amelioration can sabotage their image
A tremulous tinge of cataclysms cannot commute their strength

Prodigious is the goofy assail splash on the consecrated with a pernicious note.
But their assiduous and frivolous pranks turn only into a fiasco
As the consecrated people stand above the harelips and squall of miscreants
And therefore, their life is etched on Earth as a kaleidoscope of Heaven

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