Abortion is terrorism on human race (Culture of Life - Part 8)

Abortion is terrorism on human race (Culture of Life - Part 8)

Abortion is terrorism on human race, says the Catholic Church. Other religions and great personalities too oppose this heinous act.

Various religions around the world oppose abortion as much as any other evil. All religions view abortion as a great sin because it destroys a life without even being able to defend oneself. Not only religions but also great personalities are opposed to abortion.

The Catholic Church considers abortion to be a terrorist attack on humans. The position of the various Christian churches, which insist that the unborn child in the womb must have all the protection of life, is no different. The Christian community in India has strongly protested against the amendment of the MTP Act, 1971.

The Bishops of various churches unanimously demanded that the Central Government repeal the law. The church pointed out that the abortion policy, which validates the destruction of human life, has serious moral issues and violates the basic principle that any act that intentionally harms human life is wrong.

Abortion cannot be justified because of an extramarital affair, rape, failure of birth control, or any other circumstances. The Catholic Church has unequivocally stated that it is wrong to abort an unborn child for health reasons.

The Catholic Church on a global scale opposes abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage, which undermine the social order of any country and tarnish its values and traditions. An example of this is Pope Francis' exhortation that "abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage, which hinder God's plan of salvation, will wreak havoc."

Various religious texts and great personalities speak of abortion:

''Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you" (Bible, Jeremiah 1: 5)

"Children are a gift from the Lord. The fruit of the womb a reward '' (Bible, Psalm 127: 3)

MAY Agni, yielding to our prayer, the Raksas-slayer, drive away
The malady of evil name that hath beset thy labouring womb.
Agni, concurring in the prayer, drive off the eater of the flesh,
The malady of evil name that hath attacked thy babe and womb.
That which destroys the sinking germ, the settled, moving embryo,
That which will kill the babe at birth,even this will we drive far away…. That which through sleep or darkness hath deceived thee and lies down by thee,             And will destroy thy progeny,--even this will we exterminate.

(Rigveda 10th Mandala, Verse 162).

"The sin of the slayer is passed on to the one who eats his food."
(Manu Smriti 8: 317)

'Killing an unborn child is like killing a husband'.
(Manu Neeti 38: 181-185)

'Abortion destroys the life of the human person. This is against the virtue of justice. And directly violates God's commandment not to kill.

The church is aware of many factors that may influence your decision. The church has no doubt that in most cases that decision will be painful and devastating. Of course, what happened was wrong. And continue to be wrong.

But do not be discouraged, understand what happened and face it honestly. Repent with humility and faith. The Father of Mercy is ready to give you His forgiveness and peace through the sacrament of Confession.

You will find that nothing is lost for sure. You can also apologize to your child who is now living in the Lord '
(St. John Paul II - Gospel of Life)

"Life must be saved from pregnancy to natural death. This is a fundamental human right." (Pope Benedict XVI)

Marital unity, by its very nature, is one that leads to procreation. The unborn child is one that is attached to the mutual love of the couple, from the very heart of that mutual gift, which is the source of its result and realization. It is not possible to deny that person without distorting that love itself.
(Pope Francis - The Joy of Love 80)

"A mother who kills her own child will not hesitate to do anything vile. Abortion has caused havoc in the world. Today's problem is not shortage of food or hunger, but lack of love and sharing. "
(Saint Mother Teresa)

'No human being has the right to lay hands on the life that God has created. No mother has any right over her baby's body. The baby is another person ... another human being.

Contraception is a catastrophe. Whether we know it or not, it is an insult to mankind. Birth control using contraceptives and similar methods is a serious mistake.

We glorify evil by calling it good; a worse solution than the problem. The result is moral decay. Men has exploited women enough for his lust. This further degrades her. Abortion makes a man non-human
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Life begins at pregnancy. So, abortion is a sin. It's forbidden.
(Guru Granth Sahib - Sikhism)

Pro Life Movement to uphold the value of life

The word pro-life means for life. Pro Life is a global movement dedicated to loving, respecting and protecting life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

The pro-life movement began in the twentieth century with the introduction of the culture of death into families in the form of artificial insemination, sterilization, abortion and euthanasia.

There are various pro-life movements operating in most countries of the world, especially in Christian-majority countries. There are pro-life movements in India and Kerala. The Pro-Life Committee was formed in Kerala in 2008 under KCBC.

Coming up next..You may be eliminating a person through abortion who may change the world.
(Translated by Job)

Click here to read the earlier article in this series 

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