Ontario follows Ottawa, freedom convoy drives enaction of emergency orders

Ontario follows Ottawa, freedom convoy drives enaction of emergency orders

The state of Ontario has also declared a state of emergency following the same step taken by Ottawa. Premier Doug Ford said he will enact emergency orders to end the protests that have crippled Ottawa for the last two weeks and have recently blocked the land border crossing in Windsor.

Ford said this will include protecting international border crossings, 400-series highways, airports, ports, bridges and railways.

Ford echoed the same comments Ontario’s chief medical officer of health Dr. Kieran Moore made on Thursday about a timeline for lifting all COVID-19 measures in the province, including ending the vaccine passport system and masking.

Blockade continues for the fifth straight day as demonstrators protest at the Ambassador Bridge, the bridge linking Windsor, Ont., to Detroit. It is one of the busiest land border crossings in Canada.

Canada’s Freedom Convoy is seen by some as a protest against Covid restrictions and vaccine mandates, an essential stand for liberty. Others dismissed it as an opportunity for right-wing zealots to sow the seeds of chaos, with stories of swastikas and Confederate flags being openly displayed.

In January, mandates were introduced so truckers had to be vaccinated to enter the US and come back into Canada.

The convoy is about to mark two weeks of protests in Ottawa and around Canada with shows no signs of an end. The protest has also sparked similar gatherings across the world, and with the truckers’ resolve stiffening, it appears the only resolution can come from the government.

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