Chicago: It was a proud moment for the parish of Saint Thomas Cathedral Chicago as the first batch of students from the Theological Institute started by the Diocese of Chicago, successfully completed their course.
Forty-six laities were awarded the certificates at the convocation ceremony that was conducted at the Cathedral Parish Hall last Saturday. It took three years of efforts for the registrants to achieve this milestone.

Students, bishops and the faculty entered the parish hall in procession, holding candles. Prayer song by the students marked the beginning of the ceremony.
Rev. Fr. Thomas Kadukappillil delivered the welcome address and Mar Jacob Angadiyath and Mar Joy Alappat felicitated the students. Rev. Dr. Andrews Mekkattukunnel, President, Oriental College delivered the keynote address via Zoom.
Rev. Dr. George Danavelil submitted the class for approval and Rev. Dr. Andrews Mekkattukunnel accepted it. Mar Jacob Angadiyath distributed the certificates to the students. Cicily Varkey and Joppan Joseph addressed the gathering, representing the class and George Ambatt delivered the vote of thanks. The ensuing dinner and cake-cutting ceremony marked the end of the ceremony.
The wholehearted support from Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiyath and Auxiliary Bishop Mar Joy Alappat of the Diocese of Chicago was a great encouragement for the students.
The journey began three years ago with ninety students, out of which, forty-six have graduated. The graduates proudly lined up before the parishioners, donning the cap and gown. People with various talents, from different streams and backgrounds had worked together with dedication for this proud achievement. The completed batch includes seven couples as well.
It was only after the Second Vatican Council, that the laity gained more representation in the Church. From a time when theology was inaccessible for the laymen, today there are graduates, postgraduates, doctors and even faculties in theology as well from them. The roles and responsibilities of the laity in the church is increasing day by day. Today, the church has many centers for the study of theology.
This particular theological study was established and accomplished by the Mar Thoma Theological Institute in Chicago, under the Faculty of Pontifical Oriental institute.
While Mar Jacob Angadiyath and Mar Joy Alappat serve as the patrons of Mar Thoma Theological institute, Rev. Dr. Thomas Kadukappillil hold the position as the Administrator and Rev. Dr. George Danavelil as the Director of the institute. Thomas Moolayil and George Ambatt where the coordinators of the event. In addition, efforts of various committees made the event even more beautiful.
Twenty-four courses were included in the syllabus and classes were conducted both off and on-line.
Each student had to write essays, perform classroom presentations, and attend two-hour written exam on each topic. A big congratulation goes to the students who had completed these tasks with perfect dedication and zeal, within the given time frame!
-Translated by Job