Saint Hugh Of Grenoble

Saint Hugh Of Grenoble

Saint Hugh was born in 1053 at Chateauneuf, Dauphiné, France. He was son of a soldier named Odilo, a man known for his Christian life. His mother was a pious lady, who was known for her life of prayer and alms-giving. Saint Hugh was uncle of Saint Hugh of Bonnevaux.

Hugh was an exceptionally good student as a child and he showed piety and theological facility from a very young age. While still a layman, he became a Canon at the age of 25, in the cathedral of Valence, France . He was elected as Bishop of Grenoble at age 27, during the Council of Avignon in 1080 and was consecrated by Pope Gregory VII; he served there for 52 years.

The See of Grenoble had fallen into a very poor state and Hugh was selected to be its Gregorian renovator. He attempted a massive reformation of the diocese, but, discouraged by massive corruption within the church, he retired to Chaise Dieu Abbey and became a Benedictine monk. However, Pope St. Gregoiy VII ordered him back to Grenoble. During is second stint as Bishop, his hard work and his example paid off. Large crowds started attending his preaching, his clergy brought new zeal to their ministry, the poor were cared for and religious life had a new start in his diocese.

It was Saint Hugh who gave the land to Saint Bruno, on which the Grande Chartreuse was founded, thus starting the Carthusian order.

Saint Hugh died in 1132 and was canonized only two years later by Pope Innocent II.

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