Saint Vincent Ferrer

Saint Vincent Ferrer

Vincent Ferrer was born in Valencia, Spain, on January 23, 1357. He joined the Order of St. Dominic in a monastery near to his home town in 1374. After completion of his studies, he was commissioned to deliver lectures on philosophy.

He was sent to Barcelona, where he continued his scholastic duties and at the same time devoted himself to preaching as well. Vincent had obtained a doctorate degree from the famous university of Catalonia.

Vincent entered the Dominican Order during the Great Schism, when the Church was divided under multiple popes. From 1378 to 1417, two men claimed to be the legitimate pope. They included Cardinal Pedro de Luna, who set up a papal court in Avignon in 1394 and named himself Benedict XIII. He offered Vincent many Church positions, even that of cardinal, which Vincent refused. The only role he took was that of de Luna’s confessor.

Vincent campaigned fruitlessly to end the schism and eventually decided to become a missionary. He spent the next 20 years preaching throughout Europe about sin, death, God’s judgments, and eternity. Vincent’s sermons were so powerful that many people returned to their Catholic faith. Though Vincent spoke only his native Spanish, people of all languages were able to understand what he said. His biographers believe that he had the ability to speak in tongues to communicate the word of God.

Vincent lived to witness the end of the great schism and the election of Pope Martin V. At his death bed, he saw a vision of Christ, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Dominic. As a result of this vision, he was miraculously cured. He began preaching about the last judgment and the need for penance. Because of this, Vincent came to be known as the “angel of judgment.”

Vincent’s favorite saying was, “Whatever you do, think not of yourselves, but of God.”

Saint Vincent Ferrer was canonized in 1455. He is revered as the patron saint of brick makers, builders, construction workers, plumbers and tile makers.

Other Saints of the Day

1. Saint Zeno the Martyr
2. Saint Pausilippus
3. Saint Theodore the Martyr
4. Saint Ferbuta of Seleucia
5. Saint Claudius of Mesopotamia

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