Kochi - Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar George Alencherry officiated at the Holy Week services at St. Mary's Syro-Malabar Cathedral Basilica today. The Faithful crowded to attend the liturgical services at 7am on Holy Thursday despite the heavy rain.
The large attendance for the services was a humble answer to the rebel group who called on the faithful to boycott the Church leadership.

Despite a circular stating that Major Archbishop Mar George Alencherry and Mar Antony Kariyil would offer the Holy Mass together, Mar Antony Kariyil withdrew from the Uniform Mass on Palm Sunday. The Major Archbishop received a warm welcome from the parishioners upon his arrival at the Basilica on Palm Sunday.

Church observers believe that the voice of the rebel leadership is crumbling and becoming increasingly isolated. More parishes in the Angamaly Archdiocese of Ernakulam are adopting the Uniform Mass as laid down by the Synod and instructed by Pope Francis. The celebration of the Holy Mass facing the people has been declared as null and void in the Syro-Malabar Church after Easter.
With the full support of the Syro-Malabar Synod and Pope Francis, various religious organizations, led by laity, have been staging a hunger strike demanding the full implementation of the Uniform Mass in the Archdiocese of Angamaly.
Various Church Organization has initiated the government on the Naxal-revolutionary working model of certain organizations. The intensification of police surveillance on such individuals and organizations also led to the collapse of the rebel strongholds.