Saint Galdin: Saint of the Day, April 18

Saint Galdin: Saint of the Day, April 18

Saint Galdin, also known as Galdinus or Galdinus della Scalla was born at the end of the 11th century into the wealthy and noble della Scalla family of Milan, Italy. Upon taking holy orders, he served in various priestly roles.

Following the death of Pope Adrian IV, a papal election was called in 1159 that led to a schism in the Catholic church. Cardinal Rolando Bandinelli was elected as Pope Alexander III by a majority of the cardinals, whereas a minority elected Ottaviano de Monticelli, Victor IV, as their pope. Saint Galdin supported Pope Alexander III’s election.

St. Galdin was elected Archbishop of Milan in 1166. He helped rebuild the city after it was destroyed by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa who had supported Victor IV in the schism of 1159. On the order of Pope Alexander III, he served as the apostolic legate for Lombardy, Italy and removed any priests who were not faithful to the pope.

St. Galdin died just as he finished preaching a sermon against heresies on April 18, 1176.

Other Saints of the Day
Saint Agia of Hainault
Saint Bitheus
Saint Calocerus of Brescia
Saint Ursmar of Lobbes
Saint Wicterp of Augsburg

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