UK should temporarily rule British Virgin Islands, says critical report

UK should temporarily rule British Virgin Islands, says critical report

Miami – The British Virgin Islands (BVI) should have its constitution suspended says a highly critical report into governance in the British overseas territory released on Friday. The report also recommended to dissolve the currently elected government and hand over the reins to London.

BVI, part of a volcanic archipelago in the Caribbean, is a British overseas territory. Over half of its income, is generated by the licensing of offshore companies and related services.

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said the arrest of the premier of the territory on Thursday demonstrated the importance of the inquiry.

The premier of the British Virgin Islands was arrested in Miami on Thursday for alleged money laundering and conspiracy to import cocaine, according to a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

Premier Andrew Fahie appears in a Miami courtroom following his arrest

The inquiry which concluded the report was ordered by Queen Elizabeth's representative on the island, Governor John Rankin, in 2021. The investigation was led by British judge Gary Hickinbottom.

The main focus of the inquiry was to investigate "the corruption, abuse of office, and other serious dishonesty" in the territory's governance.

The report stated that millions of dollars of state funds were spent each year by politicians and ministries without proper process. This was clubbed with serious dishonesty in relation to sales of public property and widespread abuse of appointments.

Truss, in a statement, said the report "shows clearly that substantial legislative and constitutional change is required".

The Islands' acting premier, Natalio Wheatley, however said a suspension of the constitution was not necessary.

If London accepts the inquiry's central recommendation, one of more than 40 in the 946-page report, Rankin - a career British diplomat - would take over the day-to-day running of the BVI.

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