'Charismatic Golden Jubilee Convention’ to be held from 27th to 29th May online

'Charismatic Golden Jubilee Convention’ to be held from 27th to 29th May online

CCR (Catholic Charismatic Renewal) India has organised the ‘Charismatic Golden Jubilee Convention’ from 27th to 29th May 2022 in Malayalam, to celebrate the Golden jubilee year of CCR.

The Convention will held online and livestreamed on Youtube from Friday 27 to Saturday 28 May 2022 @07:00 pm to 09:30 pm and on Sunday 29 May 2022 @07:30 pm to 09:00 pm. The links for the livestream will be posted on the Golden jubilee website https://goldenjubilee.ccrindia.in

Programme ends with live sessions available on Shekinah TV and other prominent TV Channels (29 May, 2022 07:30 pm - 09:00 pm)

The Resource team includes Most Rev. Leopoldo Girelli, Apostolic Nuncio To India & Nepal; H.E. Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop Of Mumbai & President, CBCI; H.E. George Cardinal Alencherry, Major Archbishop Of Syro-Malabar Catholic Church; H.E. Baselios Cardinal Cleemis, Major Archbishop Of Syro-Malankara Catholic Church; Most.Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao, Archbishop Of Goa & Daman President, CCBI; Most. Rev. Francis Kalist, Archbishop Of Pondicherry & Episcopal Advisor To Charis India; Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran, V.C., Director, Divine Retreat Center Sri Lanka; Chevalier Cyril John, Member, Charis, International; Michelle Moran, Ex. President Iccrs, Vatican and Joy Antony, Coordinator, Charis National Service Of Communion, India.

The event features Uplifting praise & worship, Anointing messages, Inspiring talks on CCR topics, Documentary on CCR history, Panel sharing from ministries, Panel sharing from pioneer leaders and Eucharistic Adoration.

The origins of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal can be traced to Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, PA), in 1967, when two Catholics were baptised in the Holy Spirit. The movement soon spread to the University of Notre Dame (South Bend, IN), Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI) and the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI), all of which became centres of the expanding renewal.

The Holy Father Pope Francis has granted Plenary indulgence to all those who participate in the Golden Jubilee Convention. By registering on the Golden Jubilee website, participants will receive the Jubilee Memento as a soft copy. The organisers have urged everyone to register through the link https://goldenjubilee.ccrindia.in/#register-section

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