Man with rifle shot and killed in Toronto prompting school closure

Man with rifle shot and killed in Toronto prompting school closure

Several schools in Toronto, Canada were placed on lockdown after police shot and killed a man said to be carrying a rifle in public.

Toronto police responded to “reports of a man carrying a firearm” around 1:30pm local time on Thursday, Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) said in a press release, adding only that there was an interaction between two officers and the man before they opened fire, killing him on the spot.

At a press conference Thursday evening, Toronto police chief James Ramer called the incident "traumatic" for all involved.

"We certainly understand the trauma and how traumatic this must have been for staff, students and parents given the two recent events that have happened in the United States," he said.

"We will step up patrols in the area and continue to work with our school and community partners and services will be available for those that require those services."

A spokesperson from the Toronto Police Association confirmed two TPS officers were transported to hospital following the incident, but did not sustain physical injuries. No additional injuries were reported.

All lockdowns and hold and secures were lifted afterwards in the afteroon

On Thursday evening, Premier Doug Ford responded to the incident via Twitter.

"Thank you to police and emergency services for your quick action today in Scarborough," the tweet reads. "We’re extremely grateful for everything you do to keep our communities safe."

The incident in Canada comes just two days before a teen stormed into an elementary school in Texas, US, killing 21 people, 19 of them children aged between 7 and 10. The attacker was shot and killed by the police. However, questions are being raised on a possible delay from the law enforcement.

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