Blessed with seventy new priests; a historic day for Mexico

Blessed with seventy new priests; a historic day for Mexico

Mexico will witness a historic event when the Cardinal Archbishop Jose Francisco Robles Ortega of Guadalajara, will ordain seventy men to Priesthood. The ordination will take place at the Santuario de los Martires in two days. On Saturday, June 4th, thirty-three seminarians will be ordained and on Sunday, June 5th, thirty-eight.

The Diocesan Seminary of Guadalajara, founded in 1696, is known to be one of the largest in the world. In 2018, the Seminary had 1,186 students enrolled with 330 of them being theologians.

Thousands of Priests, many Bishops, and Cardinals call the Guadalajara Seminary their alma mater, along with three Presidents of of Mexico, several Governors of the State of Jalisco, lawyers, authors, and other notable citizens of that nation. Among the alumni are also canonized Saints and Blessed.

The Archdiocese of Guadalajara composes 493 Parishes with 5.7 million faithful, an estimated 91.4% of the total population. About 1,600 Priests serve the Church, along with 3,000 Women Religious and two Permanent Deacons.

Earlier, on World Mission Sunday, October 18, 2020, Cardinal Archbishop Jose Francisco ordained 34 new priests - including 33 diocesan and 1 religious priest - and 11 new deacons.

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