Saints Processus and Martinian

Saints Processus and Martinian

Saints Processus and Martinian were Christian martyrs of ancient Rome.

According to legend, Martinian and Processus were Praetorian Guard soldiers assigned as the warders of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in the Mamertine Prison. Watching the Christian prisoners and listening to their preaching, Processus and Martinian gradually came to know of the Savior. When Apostle Peter was locked up at the Mamertine prison, Processus and Martinian came to believe in Christ and along with forty-seven prisoners, they were converted by Saint Peter. Since there was no water with which to baptize them, Saint Peter by his prayer caused to gush forth a miraculous spring, which continues to flow to the present day.

The jailer Paulinus learned about their conversion and demanded that Processus and Martinian renounce Christ. But they fearlessly confessed Christ and spat at the golden statue of Jupiter. Paulinus ordered that they be slapped on the face and then seeing the resolute stance of them, he subjected them to torture. They were beaten with iron rods, scorched with fire, and finally, thrown into prison. Eventually, they were decapitated along with Saint Paul and put on public display, all because of their conversion to Christianity.

In studying the little that is known life of the Saints Processus and Martinian, one easily comes to the conclusion that they were willing to lay down their lives in order for their faith, even at a last minute conversion.

After their martyrdom, a sympathizer called Lucina buried them in her own cemetery.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Bernardino Realino
2. Saint Aburom
3. Saint Lidanus
4. Saint Monegundis
5. Saint Otto of Bamberg

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