Saint Ulrich of Augsburg

Saint Ulrich of Augsburg

Ulrich was born in 890 at Kyburg, Zurich, in present-day Switzerland. He was the son of Hupald, Count of Dillingen and Dietpirch of Swabia. As was customary, his parents presented him as an oblate to the church while he was still a child. At the age of seven he was sent to the monastery of St. Gall, where he proved to be an excellent scholar.

He was consecrated on 28 December 923 as bishop of Augsburg, by Henry-I of Germany. Ulrich raised the standard of training and discipline among the clergy by the reformation of existing schools and the establishment of new ones, and by canonical visitations and synods. He built churches in honour of St. Afra and St. John, and founded the monastery of St. Stephen for Benedictine nuns.

Ulrich courageously defended the city of Augsburg during an attack by Magyars from Hungary. On the first day of the attack, Bishop Ulrich rode out to encourage the towns’ soldiers in their defence of the city's gate. While the battle raged, the bishop, dressed in his ecclesiastical robes, inspired his men, with the 23rd Psalm ("Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death"). Due to the stiff resistance offered by the soldiers of Augsburg, the Hungarians eventually suspended the siege.

Ulrich resigned as prince-bishop in 972 and retired to Ottobeuren Abbey, where he became abbot.  It is said that when Ulrich was too old and weak to say Mass, angels are said to have come to his assistance.

He died on 4th July 973 and was buried at the St. Afra church that he had rebuilt in Augsburg. 20 years after his death, Ulrich was canonized by Pope John XV on 4 July 993. He was the first saint to be canonized by a Pope, rather than by a local authority.

Ulrich is patron saint of Augsburg and of pregnant women and easy births.

Other Saints of the day:
1. Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
2. Saint Andrew of Crete
3. Saint Bertha of Artois
4. Saint Peter of Luxembourg
5. Saint Theodore of Cyrene

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