Alpha Institute of Theology and Science has started admissions into its fourth batch of Theology courses for students outside India.
Admissions are ongoing for Bachelor’s Degree in Theology (BTh), duration – 3 years and Master’s Degree in Theology (MTh), duration – 2 years.
“Those who studied Theology are ready to serve the Church with utmost humility and ardent sincerity.” said Archbishop Mar Joseph Pamplany on the occasion of the Academic Year inauguration 2022-23. “This shows that only by knowing do we begin to love something. When we begin to learn the content of our faith we begin to live and love our faith” continued Mar Pamplany outlining the need for studying Theology.

The online Academic inauguration is accessible from Alpha Institutes YouTube channel.
Alpha Institute offers comprehensive theology courses to promote serious study and research in the various fields of theology and religious sciences. Courses are guided by the renowned scholars of international reputation whose academic excellence and theological insights have shaped many through various courses.
The courses are specifically designed taking into consideration the needs and time constraints of the laity more specifically the working population.
Those willing to join the course may kindly contact the following numbers at the earliest.
Mrs Lizy Fernandez +971 50 5527160, Mr Manoj Thomas +971 50 4536021, Mrs Sony Manoj +971 50 6004181.