Mississauga (Canada):Shepherds of Faith, the laity Missionary Movement of the Eparchy, conducted their 3rd Annual Donor Meeting in person at the Cathedral church on 23rd July 2022. SOF members came from several faraway places such as London, Barrie, Belville, etc. It was moment of joy for SOF members to join as one family at the cathedral.
The Annual Donor Meeting (ADM) started with Holy Mass with Mar Jose Kalluvelil. Immediately after the holy mass, there was a public meeting with members at the Kannampuzha hall. Over 170 SOF members attended the ADM. The formal function started off with a beautiful rendition of a prayer song by the Nalloor Family. Mr. Sabu George said the welcome speech, followed by the Patron message. Mar Jose Kalluvelil reiterated his vision to create the spiritual infrastructure for Canada to pave the way for vocations from among Canadian born youth.

There was a keynote message by Bishop Raphael Thattil, through pre-recorded video, who emphasized the missiological event of immigration. Fr. Jose Allenchery also gave his message to the attendees. SOF Executive Director, Mr. Jolly Joseph gave detailed account of the income and expenses for the year 2021 followed by a group discussion moderated by Mr. Regi Koovakadu.
The formal event ended with a Vote of thanks Mr. Varghese Parekkattil. During the dinner time, the members had the opportunity to socialize and interact. The huge success of the event was further amplified with fellowship and friendship among the SOF family members.