Address cost-of-living crisis in UK, Cardinal Vincent Nichols urges Liz Truss

Address cost-of-living crisis in UK, Cardinal Vincent Nichols urges Liz Truss

Westminster - Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster, tweeted his “prayerful support” and congratulations for Ms. Liz Truss on Monday. He pointed to Catholic Social Teaching as a guide to find just solutions to the current cost-of-living crisis and urged Ms Truss to quickly to deal with it.

Liz Truss has been elected Britain's prime minister and the new leader of the Conservative Party, beating her main political party rival in a crucial party vote as recession fears overshadow the election.

High Cost of Living
In his role as the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, Cardinal Nichols also released a statement calling on the new PM to act quickly to deal with the Sky-high energy bills

“Catholics are present in every local community, seeking to contribute constantly to the support of those in need. So, we are well aware of the dramatic impact this crisis is having, with many people knowing they face choices between ‘heating or eating’, especially as winter approaches. The affluence to which our society has become accustomed seems to be seeping away.”

Price shocks in energy markets due to the war in Ukraine have pushed energy bills in Britain sky high.

A typical UK household has seen their energy bill double since the spring, and projections say the price could triple by early 2023.

Common good and subsidiarity
Cardinal Nichols said he and his fellow bishop recognize the complexity of the causes for this crisis and said “The principle of serving the common good means that the needs of the poorest in society must be given urgent attention.” He urged Britain to focus on helping the elderly and families who struggle to pay their bills.

The Archbishop of Westminster singled out the issues of “the level of welfare benefits and the impact of the two-child cap on universal credit payments”.

Small businesses, he added, need the government’s support to survive, saying they help support employment and family income.

“The principle of subsidiarity can be applied to our centralised system of welfare and public services to make delivery more effective and more efficient. This principle, long part of the social teaching of the Catholic Church, seeks ‘the active participation of private individuals and civil society’ through which ‘it is actually possible to improve social services and welfare programmes, and at the same time save resources’ (Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate 60).”

Catholic support for struggling families
The Cardinal also highlighted the work of local Catholic parishes and charities to support those in need.

“No one is to be cast aside or ‘discounted’,” he said. “I am confident that throughout this crisis, the Catholic community will do all we can to act on this conviction and promote this principle.”

Cardinal Nichols also urged Catholics across Britain to offer their time and financial resources to help charitable endeavours.

Catholic schools, too, will continue to assist children “whose parents might be struggling financially or in other ways”.

The English Cardinal concluded his message to Ms. Truss by encouraging everyone to pray that British society might “work together to find ways, both short and long term, to alleviate this crisis which threatens the well-being of so many people.”

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