Saint Faith, the young martyr

Saint Faith, the young martyr

Faith is a saint who is said to have been a young girl of Agen, in Aquitaine. She was arrested during persecution of Christians by the Roman Empire and was subjected to severe torture. Faith was forced offer sacrifice to pagan gods. However, she refused to do so even under torture.

Faith was tortured to death with a red-hot brazier. Also executed with her was St. Alberta. When some of the spectators objected to their torture on the brazier, they were beheaded. Her death is said to have occurred between the year 287 and 290, during the large-scale persecution of Christians under Diocletian. It is believed that she was only 12 years old at the time of her death. Faith is mentioned as Sainte Foy, "Virgin and Martyr", in the martyrologies.

The Abbey of Sainte-Foy in Conques is a stop along the route to the shrine of Saint James at Compostela. It became a popular place in Southern France because people believed that miracles were happening there which were associated with Saint Faith, who is particularly good at curing blindness. There is a gilded reliquary in the abbey, which is one of the most famous in all of Europe.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Bruno
2. Saint Aurea
3. Saint Ceollah
4. Saint Francis Trung
5. Saint Magnus

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