India against Russian invasion of Ukraine, says External Affairs Minister Jaishankar

India against Russian invasion of Ukraine, says External Affairs Minister Jaishankar

Canberra, Australia:- External Affairs Minister Subramaniam Jaishankar has said that India is personally against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. He added that the Russia-Ukraine war would serve no one's interests.

But he declined to say whether his government would support a United Nations General Assembly resolution condemning Moscow's seizure of Ukrainian territories.

Jaishankar was speaking at a joint news conference Monday with Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong after a bilateral meeting at Parliament House where the Ukraine war was discussed.

"We have been very clearly against the conflict in Ukraine. We believe that this conflict does not serve the interests of anybody. Neither the participants nor indeed of the international community,” Jaishankar said.

"As a country of the Global South, we have been seeing firsthand how much it has impacted low-income countries, the challenges that they are facing in terms of fuel and food and fertilizers," he added.

Asked if India would support a UN resolution condemning Moscow's annexation of four Ukrainian territories, "In terms of discrimination and policy, we do not predict our votes in advance." He responded.

India is a major market for Russian-manufactured weapons.

India's relationship with Russia had "certainly served our interests well," Jaishankar said.

Wong said she welcomed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's words to Russian President Vladimir Putin last month that "this is not the time for war and this is the time for peace."

The Australian and Indian ministers agreed that differences on Russia did not undermine the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, a partnership also involving the United States and Japan better known as the Quad.

"I think the Quad is functioning extremely well," Wong said. "I think the level of strategic trust and strategic consistency among Quad partners is deep and firm."

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