Journeying together as peoples of Asia; FABC 50 General Conference celebrates 50 years

Journeying together as peoples of Asia; FABC 50 General Conference celebrates 50 years

Bangkok - The FABC 50 General Conference opened on 12th October with a Eucharistic Celebration, presided over by H.E. Charles Cardinal Bo, President of the FABC.

The Conference is held from October 12-30, at the Pastoral Center of the Archdiocese of Bangkok, Baan Phu Waan, Thailand.

The inauguration of the 50th Anniversary of the FABC, was held at the Shrine of Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung, Thailand on 22nd August.

Jubilee year and theme
The theme of this year’s conference is “FABC 50: journeying together as peoples of Asia - and they went a different way.” (Mt 2:12). This General Conference marks five decades since the Bishops of Asia came together for the first time in 1970, to establish the FABC, which was founded in response to the needs and challenges of the Asian Church fifty years ago.

The Song of Asia, the Theme Song of FABC 50 was composed by Fr Carlo Marcelo.

The Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Centre in Nakhon Pathom's Sam Phran will host 200 delegates, including Cardinals, Bishops and lay representatives from 29 member countries across Asia from 12th to 30th October 2022.

The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC) is a voluntary association of episcopal conferences in Asia, established with the approval of the Holy See. Its purpose is to foster among its members solidarity and co-responsibility for the welfare of Church and society in Asia.

Opening Eucharist
In his homily, H.E. Cardinal Bo gave prominence to the Jubilee year of the FABC as a celebration of the Asian Church. Through the scripture of the Mass and the theme of the FABC General Conference, he emphasised that this was a Pentecostal moment; a star to follow, and a challenge - to journey forward, in step with Jesus.

Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremonies continued at St John Paul II Hall, where guests were extended a warm welcome by Thailand’s Minister of Culture, His Excellency Itthiphol Khunpluem, who, highlighting Thailand’s warm atmosphere and values, expressed his pleasure to be hosting the representatives from the Churches of Asia.

H.E. Francis Xavier Cardinal Kriengsak Kovithavanij, Archbishop of Bangkok and President of the FABC, welcomed all the attendees.

Bishop Joseph Chusak Sirisut, President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Thailand, reflected on the theme, putting a spotlight on the importance of walking side by side, and the unique opportunity to renew and revitalise the Church in Asia.

H.E. Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay and Convenor of the FABC, expressed his warm welcome, marking the momentous occasion of the first General Conference of the FABC. With a reflection on the history of the FABC, and an outline for the upcoming days, Cardinal Gracias invoked the guidance of the Holy Spirit for the conference and wished everyone a successful journey forward.

Pope Francis’s message
Pope Francis urged the Catholic bishops of Asia to authentically embrace their mission as a Church for the poor and young people, always in dialogue.

The Holy Father offered this encouragement in a video message sent on Wednesday to members of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC).

In his message, the Pope recalled the origins of the Church in Asia, and his predecessor Pope St. Paul VI's visit to Asia in 1970, where - Pope Francis suggested - he found a continent of mainly young people, home to many cultures and religions.

Pope Francis concluded his message by blessing the Asian Bishops and inviting them to pray for him.

Overview of the FABC 50 General Conference
The first few days of the FABC General Conference will be spent in understanding and deliberating on the emerging realities in different countries as the FABC ‘visits Asia’. Each of the 29 member countries have been invited to present an exposition on the present situation in their countries: political, social, economic, religious and any other challenges for the Catholic Church.

From the 17th to 22nd of October, the General Conference will reflect on these realities, in dialogue with recent Papal documents, namely Evangelii Gaudium, Fratelli Tutti, Laudato Si', Amoris Laetitia, and Predicate Evangelium, and will focus on the lessons the Church in Asia needs to learn in order to respond to them.

The FABC Guide Document and subsequent consultations have highlighted some of the real issues - the pandemic, globalization, socio-economic and political challenges - and the issues of gender; indigenous people, yearnings of the youth, and the transformation of the Church.

A number of sections will have virtual voting as the FABC explores how to revitalize the life of the Church. Meetings, workshops, and sessions will be interspersed with moments of silence and recollection, and readings from Scripture, the importance of which was emphasized by His Holiness, Pope Francis. These ensure that the FABC General Conference remains guided by the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Paraclete, who is ever present, moving through the world and sustaining all with His breath of life.

On Mission Sunday, October 23rd, the shepherds of Asia will make ‘virtual visits’ to parishes in different member countries, to guarantee that deliberations do not remain theoretical, and to uphold the duty of building up the Kingdom through loving service.

The FABC 50 General Conference is of utmost importance. Its members will be committing to become and remain a prophetic, relevant and responsive Asian Church, at the service of the people of Asia.

FABC 50 will come to a close on Oct 30th, with a new vision mapping the Church's path in Asia through a Message and final Document.

The General Conference will be concluded by H.E. Luis Cardinal Tagle, who has been appointed as delegate by the Holy Father.

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