World is prone to escalated tension with China as Xi awards himself another term in office

World is prone to escalated tension with China as Xi awards himself another term in office

BEIJING: The world faces the prospect of more tension with China over trade, security and human rights after Xi Jinping, the country's most powerful leader in decades, awarded himself another term as leader of the ruling Communist Party.

Xi has tightened control at home and is trying to use China's economic heft to increase its influence abroad. Washington accused Beijing this month of trying to undermine the U.S. alliances, global security and economic rules. Activists say Xi's government wants to deflect criticism of abuses by changing the U.N.'s definition of human rights.

Xi says "the world system is broken and China has answers," said William Callahan of the London School of Economics. "More and more, Xi Jinping is talking about the Chinese style as a universal model of the world order, which goes back to a Cold War kind of conflict."

At a Communist Party congress that wrapped up Saturday, Xi gave no sign of plans to change the severe "zero-COVID" strategy that has frustrated China's public and disrupted business and trade. He called for more self-reliance in technology, faster military development and protection of Beijing's "core interests" abroad. He announced no changes in policies that have strained relations with Washington and Asian neighbours.

On Sunday, Xi was awarded a third five-year term as party leader in a break with tradition that called for him to step down after 10 years. The party named a seven-member ruling Standing Committee of Xi and his allies, which gives him a free hand to carry out his plans.

Xi calls for the "great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" based on reviving the Communist Party's role as the economic, social and cultural leader in a throwback to what he sees as a golden age after the 1949 revolution.

Xi's government has jailed dissidents, stepped up internet censorship and crushed a pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

"Zero COVID," which tracks individuals using smartphone apps and confines millions to their homes, is "an indication of how Xi Jinping wants Chinese society to function," Callahan said.

By 2035, the Communist Party wants economic output per person to match a “medium-level developed country,” Xi said in a report to Congress.

That suggests doubling output from 2020 levels, according to Larry Hu and Yuxiao Zhang of Macquarie, an Australian financial services group.

Meanwhile, however, the ruling party is building up subsidy-devouring state industry and tightening control over entrepreneurs who generate wealth and jobs.

Xi promised to "build China's self-reliance and strength in science and technology."

American officials worry Chinese competition might erode U.S. industrial leadership.

China is building its own chip industry, but analysts say it is generations behind global leaders.

Xi says “external and internal security” is the “bedrock of national rejuvenation.

” In a speech that used the word security 26 times, he said Beijing will “work faster” to modernize the party’s military wing, the People’s Liberation Army, and “enhance the military’s strategic capabilities.”

Xi refused to renounce the use of force to unite Taiwan with the mainland.

Xi also called for improved security for supplies of energy, food and industrial goods.

The party also sees "ideological security" as a priority, which is leading to more internet censorship.

Beijing increasingly uses its economic muscle as the biggest trading partner for all of its neighbours as leverage in politics and security.

China blocked imports of Australian wine, meat and other goods after its government called for an investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

Beijing tried unsuccessfully to persuade 10 Pacific island governments to sign a security pact this year but is making inroads with some.

Xi gave no indication China's "zero-COVID" strategy might ease despite public frustration with its costs.

While other countries have eased travel curbs, China is sticking to a strategy that has kept infection rates low but shut down major cities.

The party newspaper People's Daily tried to dispel expectations of relaxation once the congress ended.

The strategy “must be sustained,” he argued. Public health experts say more of the elderly need to be vaccinated before the ruling party can relax the COVID-19 restrictions.

That might take months. Forecasters say that means it might be the end of 2023 before controls might ease.

Xi promised a "proactive and steady" approach to reducing climate-changing carbon emissions, but at the same time, the ruling party is increasing coal production to avert a repeat of last year's power shortages and blackouts.

China already emits more carbon than the United States and other developed economies combined, according to Rhodium Group.

China is building more coal-fired power plants, which activists warn might cause higher emissions.

Meanwhile, Beijing suspended a climate dialogue with Washington in August in retaliation for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to rival Taiwan.

Source: AP News

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