California aims at Carbon-neutrality by 2045

California aims at Carbon-neutrality by 2045

An ambitious plan to drastically reduce reliance on fossil fuels by changing practices in the energy, transportation, and agricultural sectors was unanimously approved by California's air regulators on Thursday, despite criticism that it doesn't go far enough to combat climate change.

By 2045, the state will have removed as many carbon emissions from the atmosphere as it has produced, according to the plan, which aims to achieve so-called carbon neutrality. By reducing the demand for fossil fuels by 86% during that time, it hopes to achieve this goal in part.

This carbon neutrality goal had already been established for California, but Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed legislation making it mandatory. To establish California as a climate leader on a global scale, according to the Democrat, significant changes are required.

In a statement released on Thursday, Newsom said, "We are making history here in California.

The California Air Resources Board's decision to approve the plan, however, was not without controversy. One of the most contentious aspects of the plan is the underground storage of large amounts of carbon. Critics claim it gives the biggest emitters in the state an excuse for not doing enough to slow down climate change.

Activists, locals, and experts had one final chance to comment on the proposal before the board voted during a lengthy meeting. Although not perfect, many people claimed that the most recent version committed the state to take additional steps to reduce emissions that contribute to global warming.

Davina Hurt, a board member, said she was proud California is moving closer to its carbon neutrality goal.

“I’m glad that this plan is bold and aggressive,” Hurt said.

The plan does not commit the state to take any particular actions but sets out a broad roadmap for how California can achieve its goals. Here are the highlights:

The ability of the state to move away from fossil fuels and rely more on renewable resources for energy is essential for the plan's implementation. By 2045, the state is to reduce its consumption of liquid petroleum fuel by 94%, while also quadrupling its capacity for solar and wind energy.

Another objective would mean that electric appliances would be used to power new homes and businesses before the next ten years.

Public officials are still trying to figure out how to prevent blackouts when record-breaking heat waves force Californians to turn up their air conditioning, which has prompted calls for drastically reducing reliance on oil and gas.

The timeline of the plan was also criticized by the Western States Petroleum Association.

A realistic plan isn't really a plan at all, according to CARB President Catherine Reheis-Boyd.

Liane Randolph, chair of the California Air Resources Board, hailed the most recent iteration of the plan as the most ambitious to date at the start of the meeting on Thursday. After feedback from the general public earlier this year, changes were made.

Randolph stated that in order to achieve carbon neutrality, all of the tools at our disposal must be used to reduce emissions and store carbon.

A shift away from gas-powered cars and trucks is anticipated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while minimizing the adverse effects of chemicals released by these vehicles on public health.

Newsom asked the air board in a letter from July to approve drastic cuts to aviation emissions. As the state transitions to 100% zero-emission vehicle sales by 2035, this would be combined with other reductions in the transportation sector.

The plan aims to promote electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles by 2040 and 20% of the demand for aviation fuel comes from electric or hydrogen sources by 2045, the board said.

The plan refers to carbon capture as a “necessary tool” to implement in the state alongside other strategies to mitigate climate change. It calls for the state to capture 100 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent and store it underground by 2045.

Connie Cho, an attorney for the environmental justice group Communities for a Better Environment, called the plan “a huge step forward” to mitigate climate change and protect public health.

“Our communities have been suffering from chronic disease and dying at disproportionate rates for far too long because of the legacy of environmental racism in this country,” Cho said.

But Cho criticized its carbon capture targets, arguing they give a pathway for refineries to continue polluting as the state cuts emissions in other areas.

One of the objectives is to cut methane emissions from the agricultural sector by 66% by 2045. Methane, a potent gas that warms the planet, is released from cattle in large quantities. By putting the plan into action, the agricultural industry would be less dependent on fossil fuels for energy.

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